The internet is obsessed with Donald Trump’s bizarre ‘toe pads’

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Donald Trump has been in the news for the wrong reasons again recently – first after having to deny he’d ever read Mein Kampf, and then – believe it or not – rebutting rumours that he smells.

Now, he’s caught the attention of the internet once again, after social media instantly became obsessed with the strange ‘toe pads’ he was seen using.

The former president was speaking to crowds in Mar-a-Lago when he was seen with pads under his feet.

It’s not exactly clear what the two black rectangular pads are for, but they certainly got people speculating online.

“What is Trump standing on here? How often does he use these?” one wrote, summing up the social media inquisition.

“Trump needs toe pads to stand up without falling over. What an aLpHa MaLe!” one user joked.

The pictures show Trump placing the pads beneath the ends of his shoes, although it wasn’t clear exactly what they were for. “He now uses foot pads to prevent himself from tipping over. If Joe Biden did this, Fox News would talk about nothing else,” one said.

It comes after Trump insisted that he is “not an insurrectionist”, instead trying to blame President Joe Biden in the wake of a court ruling that could see his name removed from Colorado’s presidential primary vote next year.

About Richard Sargent

Artis dan pembuat film Richard Sargent (BA Hons Graphic Arts & Design) bersama-sama memproduksi film animasi The Silent Years bersama Simon Webster. Karya seni lepas Richard terutama terdiri dari karikatur dan kartun serta storyboard, animasi, dan desain grafis.

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One Comment on “The internet is obsessed with Donald Trump’s bizarre ‘toe pads’”

  1. Well, it was Joe Biden’s fault… If joe Biden didn’t actually win, then there would have been no reason for trump to attempt a coup .. 🤷🏼‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️

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